開放感たっぷりの屋上テラスが大人気✨BBQ(バーベキュー)&ビアガーデン✨ジョニーの秘密の屋根ウラ酒場  田町・三田店 【公式HP】

なつてらすばーべきゅー じょにーのやねうらさかば たまちみたてん

  • Address
    東京都港区芝5-32-9 ECS第5ビル 3F
  • Access
    2 minutes walk from Tamachi station / 1 minute walk from Mita station
  • Phone number
  • Business hours
    Monday to Friday, the day before a holiday: 11:30 a.m. to 0:00 a.m. (Last orders for food at 11:00 p.m.; last orders for drinks at 11:30 p.m.) Sat, Sun, Holidays: 11:30~22:00 (Cooking LO 21:00 Drink LO 21:00)
    [Dinner menu] Mon-Fri 16:00-16:00 (11:30-16:00 *Lunch banquet advance reservations possible) Sat/Sun/Holidays 11:30-22:00
    ●In order to avoid crowds, we recommend having a charter party for lunch.
  • Regular holiday
    Irregular holidays ◆ Calls are accepted 24 hours a day ◆ (If you are absent, we will call you back.)